Star Sprinkles Incoming!

Hello Starstuff!

I'm Seiaeka, a Minecraft-oriented YouTuber--AND I'M SICK OF THEIR SHIT! So I came here. I was producing family-friendly content and they demonitized me last year already. However, that didn't stop me from doing the things that I loved. Now? Now I'm even further away from my goals. My content gets buried and dismissed, and generally ignored in favour of the asshats that still make money posting shit content. cough Logan cough

ಠ_ಠ <-- This expression is permanently stuck to my face now.

I'm a big proponent of free-speech, and I don't like being beholden to advertising companies and stakeholders just so I can feed my kitten, Tesla. He's a fantastic little mad scientist. (Don't mind his paws, he has syndactyly and other various mutations. Poor bab. ;n; )


So here I am, joining Steemit--joining you and your community here and on D-Tube, because FuckTube has screwed the little guys for the last time I can take. I'll still be posting my content there as well, but Steemit and D-Tube get first priority.

Anywhooo~ I think that's it for my introduction. I hope to see you all 'round. ;)

Stay Shiny~ 🌟

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