Greetings Earthlings and Lovers of Steemit, this is my Introduction Post! Enjoy !

I’d like to introduce myself as Seer.

This name was chosen in hopes that I can one day wield and honor a sacred and love immersed vision for humanity. The name Seer represents to me the idea of allowing myself to evolve into someone who is a vision holder, someone one who can see past what is right and wrong, by seeing past the mind, past the body, and piercing into the heart and soul of existence to somehow give birth to a space in which our hearts can bear anything and we are able to see the raw natural TRUTH of WHAT IS always present, what is always free, and what cannot be denied or destroyed. I'm referring to the very essence of our souls meaning, to evolution, and to truth. 

I wish to use this account as a safe space to express myself freely and authentically.  I will be sharing my photos, art, poetry, dreams, adventures and all that is held within this vast inner space. I am in love with mother nature and seeing all of her majestic magical powers.  I am in love with the evolution of technology on this planet as well because without it we would not have the chance to connect to each other through the magical inter web. 

I also hope to receive insights and understandings, observe perspectives, integrate and merge with all that is accessed within this enormous field of connection. 

I’m thrilled to have access to this sharing platform and I am looking forward to the future of Steemit!

All photos by @ seer


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