Globetrotter, voyager, multilanguage, daydreamer

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Once upon a time in a small town in Uruguay, a young boy starts to wonder about the world, new people and opportunities happening everywhere. (For all of you who are not familiar with Uruguay, heres a brief but quite cool video) :D

Suddenly he realizes hes got only one life and that nobody will wait for him, or help him accomplish his dreams, but himself only.

He decides he wants to go on an exchange..., but where??, the options are wide and the time is little. He picks USA, the need for improving his english and the fact that many members of his family traveled there back in the day, are more than enough to encourage him to take off!

His journey began in upstate NY, in the Adirondacks, where meeting many other exchange students and improving his english were the top 2 priorities.
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How could he know, that he was gonna soon become the "Spanish teacher" of the small town called Newcomb! Not the most fluent Spanish speaking town, but they got the important stuff quite fast.

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Making friends from all over the world and traveling to new and fascinating cities, his year in USA came to an end. But one thing was certain, he had to visit all his new friends soon!; which meant traveling to Europe & Asia.

Lucky him, after 2 years studying in Uruguay he got a scholarship to study in Germany for 6 months.. Lots and lots of studying...
If by studying you mean Oktoberfest (beer emoji) (beer emoji)
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Just like the song, everything must come to an end..., meaning he returned back to Uruguay where he finished his studies in Architecture.

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But whats the point of the story, other than enfatice the importance of friends, new experiences and relationships!

By letting yourself discovering the world, leaving the confort zone which your house and country represents, and be willing to jump into new adventures! My advise for you, (if you are still reading this self-short-misspelled-autobiography) is that good things happen when you take that leap of fait and for once, believe!

Thanks for reading

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