Blind Contour, an excellent technique requiring no art background.

We can restructure the way we establish operations. Currency is fundamental. What do we want currency to mean? We can redefine more words. I have a few in mind.

Wow Put me to work. Thank you to the teams that have and are building Steemit. A bit of time in introduction pages and excited on numerous bases. I hope my work here reflects that.

I used to do only independent searches. Then I found a social media platform which I thought mostly of as another source to diversify avenues of search. I knew I would get to know some people too, and that has become the most personally meaningful aspect of social media. I’ll post more about myself. There’s a place to do that somewhere. I want to get right to why I am here. Restructuring.

Sometimes I like to think I have made supportive contributions socially and “intellectually”, in the realm of concepts. I’ve written more than I ever did before social media. It has encouraged me to frame my thinking into expression in words. Mostly in words, I like drawing images with words. I’ve come to think of authorship more substantially. Even taken a name of my own choice, a pen name, Schrodinger’s Christ, which is also an aspect of self perception. May seem pretentious or worse on either count. Oh well. Also this user name, Schrodi for short on my thread, unless you want to tag me. A few bits more on the name later. My parents gave me the names Peter John and carried forward the name DeKraker paternally. Facebook is all public as Peter DeKraker. I still respond to Peter.

Only read a couple posts yet but I can tell I’ll find a lot. Within the first few comments I found a link to Mr Larimer’s article on radical transparency. Yep, this is where I want to be.

I’ve come across more apparent problems with our establishments than is encouraging. It is good to have hints of what is actually going on. Perhaps there is such a thing as a credible source of information. (That would imply there is such a thing as real, or true history. I’m not apposed to a less violent history but I’d still like to know what actually happened.)

What I’m looking for are concepts. They need no verification to consider their utility. Mostly what we need to stay alive and what retains our dignity. By dignity I mean our sense of values. Values are what we define to design our rights and responsibilities.

There is only one essential value in the frame of reference I propose. A Living Planet. My first post following is for proposed hashtag #governance. Irrespective how useful, I expect most of you agree that our systems of governance are due an update. Irrespective of response I will edit and add to this proposal. I’ll keep writing but governance needs to be built together.

We are all starting points. We might keep the governance hashtag as a limited number of proposals outlining principles. Or sub hashtags for efforts that differ.

It seems clear we can apply my intention to anything, when I’m the only one trying to follow my thoughts. Composing for all viable interest takes work. We can each work to build principles into designs that can become models and implementations. So many starting points, I’m sure to find some already here to be part of. There are so many common causes. How could we not gain Momentum? In numerous directions.

Next three Posts Immediately: #governance, #poetry and #inviting (to Steemit)


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