Presentation (again, but in english!)

This is my presentation post for the Steemians who can’t uderstand quite good the spanish. This is of course not an attempt to work my english whatsoever

Hi everyone! My name is Simón (but you can name me Simon- it’s almost the same and some people here actually calls me like that) and I’m from Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela. Right now I’m studying my fifth year of medicine in Ciudad Bolívar and hope God help me finish it in time (only venezuelans can relate to this).

A bit more of myself includes the likes of reading and writting, watching movies and TV series, and also practicing calisthenics or going to the gym now and then just to not be too lazy.

So... how do I found Steemit?

I came to Steemit thanks to some friend (aka @ladaural) who talked to me about it when I was searching (and trying to learn) about the cryptocurrency this same year. She came to me with the idea of a community with nice poeple who share and create good content and are actually paid for it. With the curiosity (and necessity) of trying new methods to kind of survive here (then again, only venezuelan can relate at this), I loged in and checked for myself what was she talking of…

And now I’m just thankful for hearing her advice.

So far I only see very warm people here and I like it. The enviorement is very receptive and would like to meet more and more as the time passes.

Despite not having still a right idea about the cryptocurrency stuff right now, I’m sure that with a Little bit of time I’ll understand all that I need to know. In the process, I really would like to fit in this community and offert good content (if not quality, because I’m don't think I'm in the right position yet). I'll work my best and try it out.

Greetings! (and sorry for the bad english. That's another thing I'm working on to improve myself).

PD: The photo is in my spanish presentation, here.

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