Hey y'all...I used to live in a school bus, am ungovernable, and have 3 tortoises living in my bathroom right now.

So I'm not exactly sure how all of this works yet... The last time I tried to type out an introduction for myself (not here, in a sailing forum) people ended up thinking I was making things up.

I'm not.

I have horrible grammar, I'm sorry. Just thought I should warn you before you read any further.

I guess I will just start by telling you some random interesting things about myself (well...I have been told they are interesting anyway.)

I got married when I was 18. I had only known my husband for 6 months when we got married and we have been married for....well.... a LONG time now. me micha and kismet.jpg

My husband and I started, and run a privately funded, exotic pet rescue/wildlife rehabilitation clinic/conservation organization (find out more here https://www.learnaboutcritters.org/ ) we do not take any money from the government to keep it running. We offer aid to just about anything except dogs and cats. We have lizards, turtles, birds, snakes, tarantulas, hermit crabs.....everything people are afraid of. Giant building full of nightmares and we love them all so much.

Before we started L.E.A.R.N. my husband and I lived in a school bus for about 5 years. It was wonderful but I have some health problems and I developed hot and cold intolerance so living in a big metal tube with no air conditioner in Louisiana was less than peachy. fav pic of bus.jpg

I have a service dog. She is the best and makes my life so much better. You can see my facebook page about her (and service dogs in general) here https://www.facebook.com/myservicedogfarted/

Because I have a service dog (and tend to wear drama like a cape leaving a wake of chaos behind me as I stumble through life) I can't find normal employment. I don't really need to work but not working tends to pitch me into a pit of despair so I started a small business to raise money for our rescue efforts. I sell skincare and gourmet items (among other things) and I do freelance personal assistance and consulting for small businesses. If you would like to learn more about my little business you can see my website here http://pinkloveandxd.wixsite.com/pinkloveandxd but it will be changing soon, I am building a new website and re-configuring my business. I accept Bitcoin and will be accepting other alt payment systems in the future. I also hope to start a Youtube channel soon.

I never really wanted a career (I tend to not be very ambitious) until recently when I suddenly realized I NEEDED to become a USCG licensed captain. So that is my current endeavor. I purchased a small boat (that sounds more glamorous than it actually was....she is a weird boat and was pretty cheap.) I ADORE her. I christened her "Fight Song" because she is the start of a new direction in my life. ![DSCN1015.JPG](

The social media platform I use most frequently is facebook.....but facebook is the devil and they change it so much that I dont really understand how to use it most of the time. If you want to look me up (or verify that im not making this weird stuff up) you can find me here https://www.facebook.com/Captain.Savage.O.the.Red

I am a citizen of Bitnation and while I do not understand a whole lot about all of it yet I do know that the current way governments exist is a joke and I want to pursue a different system. https://bitnation.co/user/savage_leigh/ If you feel the same way please check it out and ask questions. If I cant answer them (I probably cant =/) I can put you in touch with those who can.

I'm happy to answer any questions and I look forward to figuring out how steemit works. I hope this wasn't boring =/

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