Hey Steemit! Blockchaindecrypted.com introduced me! I'll be posting about the blockchain, cryptocurrency & spirituality. Interesting mix no?

Hey all, first post! My name's Will Salisbury III (a noble lineage haha). I have a story...

Four months ago, I had barely $1,800 to my name. I was managing a website, but it was failing despite my best efforts. I was making at best $100 a month from the site, despite it being my primary job. I was scraping by. It was at that point, out of that desperation, that I made one of the best decisions of my life.

I started researching the blockchain and cryptocurrency. I found an extremely effective cryptocurrency trading strategy. I experimented by trading $100 using the strategy, seeing how I would do. After a few weeks, I had over $150. Not bad. I decided to go all in, and put all my money into aggressively trading using the strategy I found. In two months I made $20,000. There were actually a combination of strategies I ended up using to reach that end point.

Was I lucky? Not really - I truly believe anyone could do what I did. Two of the trading strategies I use are ridiculously simple, and have countless YouTube videos created about them.

One of the main reasons I'm here on Steemit is to inspire all of you to have the same success I did. As a writer on Quora, one of the things I've learned is that you get what you give. By writing and commenting on cryptocurrency day trading strategies and the blockchain, I'll deepen my own knowledge and hopefully make some useful contacts too.

So, who am I? 

People love bulleted lists, so I'll toss one out for you:

  • Blockchain enthusiast
  • Cryptocurrency day trader
  • Quora writer with over 10,000 answer views (small I know, but it's a start)
  • Co-creator of the website https://blockchaindecrypted.com/
  • Student of self improvement

Something to note is that I'm a big believer in the idea that happiness comes from within. So in addition to cryptocurrency and the blockchain, I wanted to talk a bit about my personal philosophies. I live more than just materially, I also study philosophy and self improvement pretty extensively. I absolutely love The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, and strongly recommend everyone read it at least once. If you master the guidance in the book, you will find joy in almost every waking moment, and that is a beautiful thing. 

I'm taking on a variety of projects presently, including creating a website centered around the blockchain and cryptocurrency. I'm also invested in an ICO, or Initial Coin Offering and am profitably mining cryptocurrencies.

What is my goal here?

Combining both internal and external accomplishment can lead to having a pretty amazing life. That is what I'm here on Steemit to do. I want to give people the tools to uplift their life, both inside and out. I want people making $10,000+ a month from home like I am, but also to be joyful doing so. 

Further Details

  • Age 31
  • Caucasian heterosexual male
  • In a relationship
  • Spiritual but not religious
  • Practitioner of meditation and Tai Chi

Social Following

Quora - 44 followers, 12,500 answer views

Cryptocurrencies I'm Invested In & Bullish On

  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Siacoin
  • Steem (or at least hopefully will be soon haha)

Other Interests

I also love reading. In particular, pretty much anything Sci Fi will do. Or fantasy to a lesser extent. I'm kind of a futurist, I'm fascinated by upcoming technologies and their ramifications for society. I'm also into gaming, and am always down for a game of League of Legends. I am disproportionately proud of the fact that I hit Gold in ranked last season. I enjoy movies and TV (who doesn't?), same genres as my books. I'm also a cook and foodie. It makes me absurdly happy to recommend dishes or amazing new restaurants to people and hear about how they loved them. 


I truly hope that through my writing I better your life situation and help you find joy. If I can show even five people how to spend an hour or so a day to make $10,000 in a month, I'll be happy. Same goes for finding inner joy and contentment with the present moment, whatever it may bring.

If you got this far, please, leave me a comment so I can thank you. Hopefully you found this interesting and I look forward to participating and creating guides etc. for all of you soon!

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