Thanks For The Add To STEEMIT

I am still quite new to STEEMIT and I want to learn more before I post more. I have observed that it is quite customary to post some sort of introduction as one's first post. This will be my introduction.

I am thinker, dreamer, planner, writer, designer, an ideas guy, photographer, husband and father. I am more introvert than extrovert. I enjoy the cerebral exercises of solving problems or challenges, especially ones in the field of emergency preparedness. I believe being prepared is a good idea.

I, currently, write three blogs – Mountainman's Mantra (my personal Blog), The GOOD Plan Blog (the blog to support my book: The GOOD Plan – Get Out Of Dodge) and The SATAS Co Blog on my company website. I will leave links to all my sites at the end of this post. On my website, I , also have a small forum, The SATAS Co Exchange. And, I have written a book; The G.O.O.D. Plan – Get Out Of Dodge, which is a manual to help individuals and families plan and execute their own personal emergency evacuation. Due to creating my company SATAS Co, I also have a channel on YouTube to help promote my company.

I look forward to learning more and sharing more. Once, I have a better feel for this environment, I will be sure to contribute new, original material. Too bad, STEEMIT was not around in 2011 or so when I started Blogging. I have posted quite a few great pieces on my Mountainman's Mantra Blog. I will endeavour to post my new material here first and if it is acceptable re-post to one of my other sites.

Well, this little fish sees a future full of potential and possibilities on STEEMIT.

Until we meet again,

V. Andrew


Mountainman's Mantra:
The GOOD Plan Blog:
SATAS Co – Blog:
SATAS Co – Forum:
SATAS Co – Website:
SATAS Co YouTube Channel:

SATAS xSmall Tac Logo.png

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