What If Someone Had Invented The Concept Of Online Movies Few Centuries Earlier?

It’s a brilliant idea for an epic science fiction movie; are you listening Spielberg?

The idea of traveling through wormholes was probably perpetuated in science fiction; it has a foundation in the advanced concepts of physics, but owes its popularity to sci-fi movies and online entertainment portals.
Images of Spock and Captain Kirk zooming from one planet to another, or the Doctor’s TARDIS flowing through space, have become iconic. Hence, people still find the idea of traveling through time and space to alter the course of history, pretty attractive.

What fresh hell would be raised if somebody had invented movies, say in the early 17th or 18th century? Can you imagine the mercurial inventor, Leonardo Da Vinci making video logs of his experiments?

Hence, it brings us to the burning questions of an insane mind – what were to happen if people in those ages came across the concept of online movies?

Come to think of it, if that were to happen somehow, the world would be completely different than the way we know it. One can only imagine what changes would the men behind the Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution come up, with the aid of a camera and the internet?

But the impact of the movies in those times would still be the same. Thanks to movies, the efforts of many dedicated men and women, who have in different ways helped, has allowed us to capture the brightest and the darkest traits of our civilization. We can now watch the works of people who have been long gone, because their works are safely stored by online portals, which are dedicated in restoring some of the best movies of the times gone by.

Another thing which would not have been changed in the previous centuries would be the demand for high quality entertainment; for a time when people were spoiled by artists like Michelangelo, Bernini, the movies had to be pretty good.

Even today, the obsession with quality still has the same fervor; the directors of today are more interested in giving the viewers the very best options, when they choose to watch online movies.

And freedom is the key here – whatever language, whatever country, whatever genre of movies the viewers want, they shall get. It’s not at all cumbersome – the unending joy of catching your choice of movies and favorite actors and actresses in full flow, is merely a few clicks away.

Hence, it is pretty evident that the talcum smearing, horse-rearing, wig wearing and cart riding Victorians or the czars and czarinas, would all have been immensely benefited by the supposed invention of movies. Who would’ve killed the French Monarchs at Bastille, had a James Bond movie been on at that very moment?

So, thank the Lord for movies.

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