Steemit introduction. Sama Scholastica is my name, I'm a Cameroonian

Hello steemians I am Sama Scholastica, I am a Cameroonian from the North West Region. After obtaining my Cameroon General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level from Government High School Balikumbat, i enrolled into professional education training program at Paul’s Computer Institute where i obtained a Diploma in Office Automation Secretaryship.
my passion for education inspired me to further obtain the Government National Diploma in Office Automation Secretaryship.
I hope to further my education and acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to train youths on the importance of education. I am friendly and always ready to learn and explore the world.

Being an Office Assistant at The Greens, I hope to use my knowledge and skills in office automation secretaryship to organize and effectively document The Greens’ activities. Please support my post by upvoting, resteeming and commenting on it.thW9TC3DY3.jpg

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