About myself

The motivation behind joining steemit community is to interact with great people around the world and share my passion for the artistry and science. The idea to interact with people who have love for arts and science is so fascinating. I think the famous quote about the Taurus women “the beauties with brain” truly fits for me. I have an aspiration to explore and learn, since I was a child. So, I chose engineering as a career. Doing great at work gives me a sense of achievement and fulfilment and the love for arts stimulates my mind to achieve these goals.
In my view, passion towards arts and creativity can be a blessing for anyone. In this hectic and fast paced life, putting your thoughts on paper is truly a source of relief; listening to violin can stimulate your mood within seconds and taking photographs let you capture your lovable memories forever. I love arts in several forms, particularly drawing, photography, music, sketching, writing and crafting.
It’s my belief that there are particular traits and positivity hidden inside all of us, which is sacred. When I paint, take photographs or compose my thoughts on paper, I explore the hidden positivity, spiritualty, love, peace, humbleness and empathy I hold in my soul. I love being a source of comfort and love for everyone, may be because I have been brought-up this way.
I would be sharing interesting info and explore my passion in photography, creativity and writing. As a steemian, I would be a great upvoter for you!

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