Hi! I'm new.

Hello everyone I'm @s3gur0. This site piqued my interest when someone in a discord channel was talking about this place. Writing is my passion but I still have a lot to learn. I hope that I can grow here as a writer and maybe find some kindred spirits! A little info. about me, I love dogs because they are the only animals who will love you unconditionally and I like to hike cause I love observing nature.

Here are some of the place that I've hike.

Wiliwilinui trail, Oahu, Hawai’i

Mt. Diablo California

Yosemite Falls, California

As for dogs, my sister's previous dog recently died to a hit and run. It was a painful moment for me because I was very attached and bonded with the dog. Her name is Ten and It happened March 2nd 2018.

It was a rainy friday and It was my day off from work. I woke up looking for her and when I couldn't find her, I began to worry. So looked outside to search for her. That was when my father who was visiting, told me that a car had hit her.

After hearing what my father had said, I frantically literally ran out to the street barefoot in the rain to where she was. When I arrived to where she was laying down, Ten was still alive. The moment she saw me, she began whimpering. I watch as she attempted to crawl to me using her front legs so she could lick my face like she would do whenever she would see me. But this time she wasn't able to do it. The moment that I noticed that she couldn't get up or wag her tail when she saw me, I began to fear for the worst. The reason for my fear is because I use to be a veterinary student and I've seen similar situations before. But during that time, I didn't want to jump to conclusions so I knelled down on the wet asphalt to assess her injuries.

While I used my hand to feel her body in order to asses her injuries, she began to lick me and at the same time I began to cry. At that moment I realized that several of her ribs were broken and there was a possibility that she had a spine injury. Immediately we gently put her in the car so that we could take her to the vet.

On the way to the vet, I kissed her on the cheek and told her; "Everything is going to be alright baby girl."

When we arrived at the vet, the doctor did the same procedures that I did and gave her some sedatives for her pain. A few minutes later, he gave us our options. He told us the things that I already knew but afterwards he told us about the transactions fee. Taking her to the vet and assessing her injuries had already cost us a hefty fee. Mind you I am not wealthy, I actually dropped out of Veterinary school because of financial problems. The doctor told us that the procedure to repair the spinal injuries would cost over $10,000. Hearing the price saddened me and at the same time made me furious. But my sister talked me into making one of the hardest decision that I have ever made. Since I am literally already in debt and I was already at the brink of bankruptcy, I couldn't afford adding more to my debt. My sister made the decision since it was her dog and I couldn't do anything.

I still miss her but life goes on.

Anyways hopefully I can become better writer by posting here and If you guys have some advice for me in order for me to become a better blogger, I'm all ears.

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