Hi Steemit, I'm Rahul and I must admit steemit is pretty cool. #introduceyourself

^From a shitty tiny room in the party district of Hong Kong!

Hi Steem it peeps,

My name is Rahul, and I have been super fascinated by the Steemit community for a while ( last 17 days lol).

I have to admit, I heard first about crypto-technology ( read: bitcoin) only a couple of years back, but only started taking the technology seriously over the last few weeks. One Youtube video led to another, and now I find myself part of this insane community, which appears to grow bigger and bigger with each passing day!

With plans of always starting a blog and exploring cryptocurrencies, Steemit appears to be the perfect mix to explore.

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random dab picture

I was born in a small city in Wales called Bangor with my parents having immigrated from India. However, I was only there for a short period of 4 years and then we moved back. (Cities: Baroda + Chennai)

Like most Indians, ended up doing engineering but hated it completely. Just smoked a lot of pot for 4 years. I don't even think it was pot, it was probably grass laced with rat poison tbh.

My university also happened to be in a remote shitty village and if you think I am BSing, here is a picture of a cow that entered one of our hostels and ate some homework (not fucking with you)


After university, I decided I wanted to leave India and explore the world a little more, and somehow ended up living/working/studying/freelancing in Amsterdam, Thailand and Hong Kong (currently) over the course of the last one year.

With respect to my day to day life, I love building and working on small side-projects but for the most part, I lead online growth at Soundbrenner - the world's first wearable for musicians.


Here is some other random stuff about me:

  • I used to play in a band called Waterlemons. You can check us out on Soundcloud.
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  • Huge fan of existential/nihilistic humour, and deeply appreciate dark humorous conversations about life.

  • Launched around 15 side-projects in the last 6 months. 2 even got featured on Venturebeat. You can check out a few here

  • I run a shit ton of Facebook Ads

  • I can twist my tongue

  • I beatbox when I am drunk

  • Psychedelics are nice

  • Am 22 years old

  • I need fucking spicy food

  • I love coconut in my food

  • I do fart openly

  • Nietzsche is bae

  • Blah

  • Blah blah

I hope this post was interesting enough, and my plans are to keep sharing more and more with the Steemit community as I look to keep improving my writing skills and "find my voice" in due time.

Do let me know what you love/hate about me and this post!

Until next time people,

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