Introducing Rospel Funk

Aw, new steps. A foray into the dismay paves new way'z for better day'z, zzz keep me growing so once again I'll wake to send self a piece of fate.

Every morning I wake up, there's this undying creative yield that gnaws at my stomach, because of my current inability to capture it, but every step taken after this is to create my life as much as they seem to control the mist, although it's desolate we still attempt that precipice.

I'ma storyteller, you've seen me weaving my own reality against the vibes of fallacies so that gradually my presence increases to free and beyond that no telling what we see, although freedom it seems is a constantly expanding thing, requiring awareness like a breeze to cool you down on a hot summer's eve. Just ignore these words and try to see, what looking past lines could bring; aw imagination's created so many things.
But alas, I'm getting lost in my thoughts, I was in the navy, then traveled the world in the dark, considered myself the spark but looking for fuel I fell apart, so all of these arts make the collage of my heart hence why this is the storyteller arc.

A poet then rapper calm in disaster, coupled his hands and said "I am the master." It's only right if you factor, you're always blamed for your disasters so the flip side means I'm still a caster as I wring my imagination out on a platter screaming "Creating rules everything around me," that's what matters!

Alas, I am truly off this planet but I came back to help my body find a way! Love you all!

Peace Life

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