Introducing Myself: Artist / Designer / Writer

I'm a designer that would like to work on personal projects. I'm really into animation, concept art, great movies and tv and comics.


I made this quick sketch, so I could at least have a profile picture for now.

I'm not up to date with crypto stuff and never heard of Steemit until yesterday. I watched a YouTube video about YouTube alternatives for animators and that lead me down the rabbit hole and eventually somehow I found Steemit. So I'm pretty excited even though I don't fully understand it. I've done a little research and I think very soon it is going to explode. Everyone who is using things like kickstarter and patreon are going to jump on Steemit as soon as they get introduced.

A freelance designer or anyone who creates a product or business needs to use social media to get in front of and interact with a potential audience. It's something that does not come naturally to me. I'm an introvert offline and online. The idea that a platform is created to empower the user base to financially reward creators is awesome. Seems a little too good to be true actually, but the idea is so good it motivated me to sign-up. So far it looks like there is a good community here if you dig in and look around.

Thanks for checking out my first post. Right now I'm just feeling things out and learning about the platform. I hope to post some stuff related to an animated project I want to work on, and we'll see if this can work.

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