Presentation @robinsonphoto

Greetings to all the members of this wonderful community of Steemit. After inquiring a lot about this platform I am here, integrating myself into this great family. Despite not having a very old age I have experienced many challenges in my life and I assume my incursion here as one more.

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I found out about this community thanks to a friend who explained that originality is highly valued here and that users are treated very kindly and with respect, so I liked the idea of meeting new people and seeing many interesting works on different topics.

I was born in Venezuela and I am 30 years old. I studied at a higher level in computer science. I will dedicate a lot of my time and effort to create content that is pleasing to you. I am an amateur photographer eager to continue growing in that field, what I have seen here indicates that I am in the right place to learn much more. I really like the outdoor life and in my free time I look for my camera and I pick in photographs what nature offers us very kindly.

My name is Robinson De La Rosa and I hope to have a nice experience in this ecosystem, that all have a fruitful start to the week.

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