Welcome Steemit ! | Rizki Mulia Nanda | Would Like To Introduce Ourselves In This Steemit. :)

IMG20160819121654.jpgAssalamu'alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuhu

My full name is RIZKI MULIA NANDA, I am more identified with the call "rizki" in the movements among family members. I prefer people to call me by the name of rizki ..


I will tell you about the daily activities of college in polytechnic with civil engineering department. Every day I wake up in the morning at 05.00 to pray, after praying sometimes I busied myself to practice in front of the house for a moment, then I clean the house. After 6 am I take a shower, then I always eat every day for breakfast, then I go to college, after 14.00, I go to rest, then I take a bath. At 16:00 I came home from campus, I usually if the night hanging out for a while. My house is not too far to the campus I usually go to college at 6:00 to 7:00 on campus,

I am interested to see my colleagues who have joined in @azmiyoung steemit so I also want to join in steemit

I want to know more from steemit, what is in steemit.

FOLLOW ME @ rizki46IMG20170810151545.jpgaa.jpgab.jpgIMG20160830123437.jpg

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