My Introduction Rickthor English Spanishl Verification

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Hello My new  Esteemed Friends call me Rickthor.

Firsts of all I will not spam feeds so you can follow with out worry. ;)


I am ecstatic  to be part of this movement to decentralize our lives even if it's one bit at the time... LOL This new platform can be a bit intimidating at first, so I took my time to research and know as much as I could in the few days I've been on here.

 First let me just tell you a bit about me, I am 27 and was born in Mexico. I consider myself a citizen of Earth and it is our duty to help each other no matter race or any other differences that may separate us. I have friends and family I am encouraging to join steemit.

All I want is to be able to add value to anyone that reads My words, if I reach at least one person that needed it, then I have done what I set out to do. 


Topics of intrest

  • Anything that involves cryptocurrency 
  • Philosophy
  • Art although not well versed in the subject
  • Literature and writing
  • Communication 
  • Things unknown 
  • photography
  • Food
  • New cultures
  • Anime
  • Martial arts

I could keep going.

If you have any topic that you enjoy let me know, we might find common ground. I tried to keep it short because time is valuable. Thank you for reading :)  "Follow Me" I am starting a Spanish Telegram group so we can help each other.

Bienvenidos a Mi Introducción! 

Hola nuevos amigos de steemit. Mi nombre es Ricardo pero me pueden llamar Rick.

Tengo 27 años de edad

E creado un chat en telegram para ayudar con cualquier cosa de steemit y criptomonedas

 "Telegram Chat" 

 Me pueden contactar en el Chat . Gracias por leer y espero saber mas de ustedes 

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