Hallo steemit, i joined the steemit family

Hallo community steemit

 My name is resky dhatul mayada I am the first child of three siblings, I am very hobbi street, my age is now 21 know, I was born in lhokseumawe, I tingga in indonesia, aceh lhokseumawe. Now that I am studying in unimal, I am completing my job in this sixth semester

While there is free time I want to try writing in steemit.
I have two younger brothers and I have one father and one mother, my father's name iskandar and my mother amianur.

In terms of work, for the moment I am not working because I am focused on completing my college, my father work as a laborer and my mother only as a housewife, for now I only live with my father and sister, while my mother is not here .   

Well before I get to know steemit, I want to tell you why I want to write in steemit, I am in love by my colleague @saifnakal, many who say writing in steemit is fun and can spare creativity and work of quality work.

I think writing in steemit is not difficult.

I want to join the steemit family and steemit community,

To further let me follow my @reskykiki and keep up my journey

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