Renaissance Man – My Introduction to the Hive Community

OK, now I’ve got something of a grasp on how this place works and I’ve added some Hive to my wallet so I can post again, it’s time in introduce myself.

I’m from the UK, where I’ve lived all my life, and have been living with my family for over twenty-five years in the bit in the middle, known as the Midlands. We’re in a village of about 1,500 people, located in a row of not very big hills. It’s beautiful, friendly and a great place to bring up a family.

My working life has been spent mainly in tech since leaving university with a history degree. I’ve been a programmer, systems designer, business analyst and project manager, all of which has made it easier than it might otherwise have been to get to grips with the world of the blockchain.

I’m also an indie author, writing mostly crime fiction and occasionally a bit of science fiction. I always write under pen names, because I’m the sort of introvert who doesn’t like the limelight. I’ve done a little blogging along the way and this is something I will be doing more of from now on.

As you might expect, as well as writing I also do a great deal of reading. I read widely, both fiction and non-fiction and normally have one of each on the go at any one time. A bit of variety is good for the soul. In fact, I don’t just like reading books, I like collecting them too, especially old ones that have that distinctive old-book smell, well-thumbed pages, maybe with a few barely readable notes scribbled on them here and there. It’s a beautiful thing, is an old book.

I don’t want to bore you by going on and on here, so I’ll briefly also add that I love to garden, have been an investor since I was a teenager and love to always be learning.

I expect to be mainly posting here about the world of the blockchain (well, OK, there’s lots of blockchains in reality, but I prefer to use the singular) and all things crypto, but I imagine there will be the occasional post on other things and I might branch out a bit more over time.

Feedback is a gift, as someone said, so please don’t hesitate to let me know what you do and don’t like about my posts as it will help me to make them better.

Finally, a shout out to @lovesniper (@fionasfavourites) for some much needed help and guidance on getting into this new world.

Until we meet again,

Renaissance Man

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