[BLOG] Raw Food and the Psych Ward


Raw Food and the Psych Ward

I know that most of you have already escaped and forgotten the new year's resolutions but not me. You see, I have been trying my best to stay true to it. In fact, I even went to extreme measures to be able to accomplish my goal. You don’t believe me? Well, read on.

In January 2016, I made a resolution of eating and staying healthy. Truth be told, I did not believe I could accomplish staying away from stuffing my body with junk. My first step was to start watching inspirational videos by Tony Robbins. I clicked on every recommendation YouTube gave me, and all of a sudden I was convinced we were supposed to only eat uncooked vegetables and fruits. WARNING: Do not try at home if you consume marijuana daily!

The reason for concern is cannabis users tend to be so focused on something, that they might get addicted to the diet ahem. And think about it, being on a low fat, low protein diet while being spellbound by Illuminati and having a twisted religious belief, that’s like begging for psychosis ahem.


Anyways, I was YouTubing during my intense dieting seeking questions for my symptoms. They told me blurred vision was because I was detoxifying. And well, they also said I should be prepared for great revolutions happening in my stomach. Needless to say, I don’t think I was prepared enough. And definitely not ready for what was about to happen. One thing I am proud of is the fact that I like strawberries more now.

Back to my story and my new-found body, well, let us just say that I didn’t look the way that I used to. I was skinny and shaky and people began questioning whether I was eating at all. I was still sticking to the diet, but bought some avocados hoping they could bless me with their healthy fats. Things went downhill from there. Don’t get me wrong. The avocados were great. It was the neighbor’s voice that startled me. Reason being that I don’t really have any neighbors to begin with. Talk of new experiences! As if the feeling that I was having was not enough, my eyes began seeing blue lasers everywhere. The lasers where all over my house. That was when I knew something was horribly wrong!

Gathering all the courage I had, I knew that there was only one person who could offer me the answers I was seeking; Google. I typed ‘Blue laser syndrome.’ Nothing. Then I wrote ‘Blue laser beam Illuminati’. I don’t remember much other than my shock. I concluded that Illuminati have caused my illusions with 'Project Blue Beam'. I knew it!

That’s how I; for the first time had to spend two nights at the psych ward. YouTube is not a credible source for information. Remember to do yourself a favor, don't Google your symptoms. Call your doctor! And be very careful chosing an extreme diet. Lesson learned.


Thanks to @Hoshino A, @Roman D and @Kazuend

Let me know your questions in the comments. Remember! Love your fellow Steemians ♥
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