Greetings SteemIt! Intro from a Life Hacker in Sunny San Diego, California

Life hacker, change agent, crypto block, marketer, researcher and a Forbes top 50 social media influencer. "In code I trust"

This introduction is long overdue. I'm so happy to be part of SteemIt. This is the kind of platform with an old promise that today's social media behemoths, I feel, have long betrayed.


I see my mission to be the catalyst giving people I meet, a foundation of tools and knowledge to progress in business and life. My family, friends and clients see me as their Life Hacker who finds them ways to incorporate technology fluidly into their life, workplace and make their business at large run smoother.

I usually take a pragmatic, unidealistic approach in providing guidance, insights and solutions that are functional. Colleagues and clients call me their change agent especially in the movement to merge healthcare marketing and technology.

Today my team and I are developing a multimedia application, cocktailing together cryptocurrency and blockchained smart contracts; all for a fairer approach to distribution of people's creative minds, time, attention and social influence. Stay tuned for more on this revolutionary application. In the meantime, I'm happy to lend my two-cents wherever it can be helpful.

From sunny San Diego, wishing you well.

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