Launching My Journalism Online at Steemit :) Ramola D

Hello Steemit Readers and Viewers,

I'm excited to finally be setting up on Steemit and look forward to posting my work here!


Some of you may know me from my media site and blog, The Everyday Concerned Citizen, or my Youtube channel podcasts at Ramola D Reports.

I am an independent science & technology, surveillance & military, ethics, human rights, and consciousness science journalist, fiction-writer, and poet, long time English Composition, Literature, & Creative Writing college teacher and trained journalist who's returned to Investigative Journalism after spending some time as a Solutions Journalist, posting petitions and action items.

What I Cover

I especially cover modern COINTELPRO, Surveillance, Military/Intelligence Deception and Psychological Warfare, historic and current non-consensual human experimentation, misuse of military directed-energy & neuro/bio-technologies, Neurotechnology and Mind Control Technology, Nanotechnology, Consciousness Science, and the great need for public debate and ethics in the 21st-Century areas of Neurotechnology, Neuroscience, Nanotechnology, Synthetic Biology, Artificial Intelligence, Cybernetics, Robotics, Wireless & RF Tech, Military Tracking, Remote Sensing, and Surveillance technologies.

Much is being hidden on these subjects by mainstream media, which as many know is operating as a propaganda mouthpiece for Covert Ops agencies who like to keep things covert and under whose sooty umbrellas of secrecy much human rights abuse and surreptitious roll-out of extremely pernicious and trans-humanizing technologies is currently underway.

Someone recently looked at my Youtube channel--Ramola D Reports--and relayed through a friend that the stuff I cover is so dark...well, hello Dark! that unfortunately is the state of reality currently: Dark Ops, Black Ops, Covert Ops, Military Deception, Mad Deceit, Psy Ops, Trickery, Punitive Psychiatry, you name it, while bland normalcy-covers are thrown over everything by deceitful criminals in power. If you're awake, you'll know what I mean.

If you're swimming however in MSM deception, brain-entrained by Mind Control technology (we're all being entrained but some of us resist)—another dark reality supported by the history of military/Intel development, as well as ethical military/Intel whistle-blowing—you'll want to run back for more Blue-Pill, pull the covers over your head and sink into synthetic dreams all night—which guess what, our Covert Ops Brigade will be happy to supply you with, a la carte and on the house, just about anytime!

If you want to know though what I know and have learned, over four years of covering this particular labyrinthine twist of the rabbit hole, after being thrust into the front lines myself, an experience I have shared with a few great media figures including with the truly irreplaceable late Dr. Paul Marko of Pineconeutopia, please stay and visit—I aim to write my soul out till we pull the curtain down on this Black Ops (British? Roman? Wingdings?) Empire we are All stuck inside.

Some of My Articles & Video/Audio Interviews

Some of my articles reside in a portfolio at Muckrack.

My new series exploring Classified Research as Cover for Crime launched recently with this article on CounterIntelligence Crime: Counterintelligence Crime | American Activist Filmmaker Reports Extreme Military/Intel Agency Neural Abuse with Covert Ops Brain-Computer-Interface Weapons

Geral Sosbee, FBI whistleblower, great friend and true American hero, spoke twice with me on-record about the FBI's perfidy against him after he spoke out about internal problems—everyone should hear what Geral is telling us, it will clarify to all what the “Deep State” is really doing: Ramola D Reports/Report #56: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI

Barbara Hartwell, ex-CIA whistleblower whom I have interviewed thrice, intrepid journalist herself and wonderful new friend, has spoken openly about her own experience of COINTELPRO and whistleblower retaliation. Her first podcast: Ramola D Reports/Report #61: Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower Discusses CIA History, Propaganda, Targeting

Like others who stand up and speak out, I have been retaliated against, including recently, in a story involving public school officials and General Dynamics weapons-testing contracts I have not finished writing about, please stay tuned.

NSA Intelligence Analyst whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart, my esteemed friend and colleague on the cutting-edge all-women US-Europe Joint Investigation Team (JIT), whom I first interviewed in March 2016, wrote last month in support of my work, penning a nationally-important letter for all of America, attesting to the veracity of reports on the covert usage of military directed-energy weapons in repression operations nationwide and worldwide, posted by Barbara Hartwell, ex-CIA, on her site: NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart: Letter of Endorsement for Investigative Journalist Ramola Dharmaraj

Karen Stewart, a true American hero, speaks openly on these matters, including on this Techno Crime Fighters Forum, Episode 57, a weekly broadcast featuring Truth and eclectic Military/Intel/Secret Society research from the JIT, of which I am a part.

Suzie Dawson, inspiring friend and investigative journalist, intrepid trend-setter with her groundbreaking #DecipherYou series, recent mega-article and marathon online vigil for Julian Assange, Internet Party President, spent a memorable three hours with me on this Changemakers interview, laying bare her knowledge of NSA practices and protocols as acquired from her close perusal of the Snowden documents; I will write more soon on this subject.

Jeff Godwin, inspiring UK activist, journalist, and documentary film-maker recently offered footage from London in this important discussion we had on the wrongful incarceration of journalist Julian Assange in the heart of London, which I once, in 2015, created a petition about: Ramola D Reports/Report #60: Julian Assange Special Report - Jeff Godwin, Ramola D

Main Attractions, Coming Soon :)

My video channels on Vimeo and Bitchute are also Ramola D Reports--and I look forward to posting all on D-Tube too! I am in the process of building these channels up so I can eventually complement or leave Youtube—which is suppressing my views and shadowbanning and generally being censorious, for no reason I can really imagine ;).

I have a page on Patreon, for those who'd like to support my work.

My poetry and fiction website is currently down and needs reviving or I would link it here, please visit my writer site eventually....I'll aim to restore it shortly. I am fortunate to announce a new short fiction collection coming out soon, from Paycock Press in Fall 2018.

My children's art and creative writing and natural science website, also to be revived shortly as an online workshop site for all, is here: The Wishing Well/ArtCreateWrite

My literary interview quarterly featuring poets and prose writers and small-press publishers is here, also to be revived soon, as a full-service literary review where I will seek to bring journalists, fiction-writers, and poets together, in art and open expression of views: Delphi Quarterly

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I'll start with re-posting some of my earlier posted work, but stay tuned, I will post op-eds, news articles, historic-info articles, and podcasts here soon. Follow me and I'll follow you back! Looking forward to all!

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