Hi from my private Scottish zoo!

So I'm Cat, I'm from Scotland and I need help not looking like a total idiot in my introduction picture:

Seriously, you should've seen the attempts I deleted. Though I do somewhat appreciate that the free Photoshop filter makes me look a bit like a Chucky doll or one of those monsters from a grainier looking found footage film.

I hope this is enough to register me as a genuine human being and not a bot! I apologise, I truly hate having pictures taken of myself or doing the selfie thing. Unless my face is covered by giant sunglasses and an even more giant beer tankard as you will see in a moment.

I do however love travelling so I hope to get to go somewhere new soon and share some nice pics!

I also have a passion for horror films, and I'm hoping to post lots of reviews and opinions on that sort of thing. And it's a weird combination to go with a horror film nut, but I'm also really into yoga and meditation and other hippie dippie spiritual stuff like that.

I also love animals and I have a bit of a zoo at home.

This is Snoop, his favourite activities include Peanut butter, peanut butter and peanut butter. He is a really gorgeous dog but quite hard to photograph, his nickname is the Black Hole because he just sucks up all the light. It also doubles as a handy nickname due to the fact that any solid matter (food) within a thousand mile radius will be sucked in and crushed immediately.

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These are two of my four ferrets (and yes that is a natural sleeping position for a ferret!)


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This is my current dogsitting charge, he belongs to my brother. Lets just call him Tater, because he looks like one and that's what his name should be:

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I also have a chameleon, three snakes and two cockatiels but I'll maybe do another post when I have some more recent pictures of them, and I don't want to flood this post with them.

I also like beer. A lot. Hooray for accurate cultural stereotypes. Sláinte!


Hi everyone! I'm really glad to be here and looking forward to getting involved with the community!

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