Time for yet another introduction. Hello everyone, I am @qzsg ! :simple_smile:

Hello Pretty Humans!

I know I know, it is the classic Steemit tradition to introduce oneself with a selfie or something along that lines.

But must we always do it that way? Can i offer a peace offering with a picture of a random cat I found on the interwebs?



Hello pretty humans, I am QzSG.

I am a technology enthusiast who is forever 21 years old, the best summary of myself would be a jack of all trades but master of none. I dabble in a wide and huge variety of programming languages from C to Java to JSX, still trying to find my true calling in my digital world despite always having a passion for cyber security.

I mean, whoever lives in this day and age of this vast network of interconnected devices and explosion of knowledge has to know some form of cyber security one way or another. Without of which pretty everything would be unsafe.

Geographically , I physically live in a back alley in a city full of lions .

What a lame pun man


What am I going to blog about

I am not sure myself, probably pretty much everything under the sun eh? Probably the occasional book review of a book I have read thats awesome, some new scam in the crypto world, or even weird videos I find online, who knows?

This was a pretty short and nonsensical introduce myself post, I sure hope I didn't put you guys off to reading my future blog posts.

See ya guys! Ta Ta ~

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