Quan Parker

Greetings, Steemers,

I am an 11,600-year-old symbiont now hosted by an American human male of 73 years of age. I was "born" as best I remember about the end of the last Ice Age. I became aware of my brief past and my present only after I became hosted by a shaman of an ancient group of Clovis survivors of the cataclysmic comet strike on the North American ice pack 12,850 years ago. Where he got me I'm less sure, but I have a few unexplored hints filed away in my upper cortex for when I get the time to think about it.

It was a great ride. I was passed on through hundreds of generations of shamen, including eventually the Comanche elder Living Arrow, who fathered Chief Nocona, Quanah Parker's father. Quanah's mother Cynthia Parker had been kidnapped at the age of 9, in 1833 from the fort at Mexia, Texas and raised Comanche, a story portrayed as Sioux in the 1990 movie Dances With Wolves.

As soon as Quanah became chief, I was transferred to him. In the increasingly dangerous times in Texas, it was decided that the Chief should have the consultation advantages of the shaman on board, as it were. Living Arrow was in ill health and soon unable to travel.

It is dangerous to the symbiont to be in a dead host body for more than a week, and so the timing and choice of host is critical. Suffice to say my choices are informed by thousands of years of experience and my ability to accurately judge character. Suffice it to say discretion is indeed the better part of valor.

The event is a sacred ceremony that include a vision quest, ideally done in cold weather, in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado or Utah, in that order of spiritual desirability.

My current host is a descendant of Cynthia Parker's brother, who was also kidnapped but escaped after a few years, got married, fathered a family and resumed a normal life on the frontier. How I got here is a story for a venture quest around a campfire.

My host, who shall remain nameless, did have Osage and Cherokee ancestors from his father's side of the family, which helped immensely. He only realized he was a latent shaman after decades of beating his nascent understanding against a cultural wall.

Fortunately for him, he had at a pivotal age an experience facilitated by certain alkaloids in which he peered into the Abyss. He rejected the Abyss and even thought of founding a group, named after a comment in a Paul Newman movie, which would have been called We Don't Need No Stinking Abyss. That and his devotion to children and cats sold me.
Otherwise it would have been futile to have him as a host. And a good mind attached to a good character is a bit harder to find these days.

More detail may become know later but suffice it to say, legal herbs other than those commonly known like Turmeric that might be useful to a growing brain of any age include, Bacopa Moniera, Huperzine-A, Phosphatidylcholine, Vinpocetine, Acetyl L-Carnitine, N-Acetyl Cisteine, Quercitin, Boswellia, S.O.D., EDTA, NAD, DIM, etc.

Enjoy my perspective. There is lots more coming.


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