Professur's introduction to hive


Hello hivers, hope you are all doing good ?

Yes you should, cause a newbie like me is having fun here cause web3 is always full of fun to explore.

My name is John popularly known as the professur. I was able to get to know about hive through twitter, i came across @officialrosh1 's tweet where he post a tweet with the #hive about @stayoutoftherz who is now a hive witness.

The word "hive witness" got my attention since have been on the net exploring the blockchains an other web3 site i know the word witness means alot. I went to Officialrosh1 DM to ask him about that, he came up will alot of messages that i wasn't able to reply all but at last i came up of the idea joining hive and luckily @flaxz stood up in creating my hive account and here am i in support of hive though i use to be a support of BCH and BTC but now i guess it time i study more about hive chain too.


My hobbies;

Everyone got something that they love doing so do i, my hobbies are reading, exploring and studying about cryptocurrencies blockchains. I never felt bored doing them, studying about cryptocurrencies blockchains brought me here in hive and am here to make the best out of hive cause i believe deeply that the best is only good enough.

My contribution to Hive Web3 chain;

Since one of my hobbies is studying and exploring about cryptocurrencies blockchains. I will be making researches on projects on hive and i will be writing about them to enlighten people more about what hive can do, cause i believe the existence of hive is the existence of great things.

This is a brief introduction about me, if you notice i didn't give more information about myself informations like country, age and so on. Pardon me i won't be taking more about myself cause am not permit to do so for future reference.

What i need from you;

I need nothing more than support from everyone and one more thing corrections, no one is above mistakes whenever you spot me making mistakes on my blogging kindly call to my attention!.

Thanks so much for reading

professur is the G.O.A.T !

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