Crypto Currency is going to be bigger than FB, Amazon, Google, Apple, Microsoft, all combined! Businesses in General are being left behind by not learning about Crypto Currency.

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  In my first post here on Steemit, I got a lot of warm welcomes and a lot of good advice on how to warm up to the people here on Steemit. 

One of the comments that kept coming up is that I need to say more about myself. I’m not one that likes attention on myself. But to satisfy those that are curious I will say a few words, only for those to take me more serious.

 I have been in business for 30 to 35 years. I have owned at one time 3 different businesses. All were very successful. 

The business that I was most successful in, I made right at 3 million dollars the last year in business. Before I was forced to file Bankruptcy. 

I didn’t get out of that business by choice, I was forced to file Bankruptcy just like a lot of my other friends and colleagues. I was able to hang on until 2012 after I went through all of my assets and savings. 

In 2008 and 9 when the economy melt down, I was owed 1.7 million in uncontested invoices. When the banks refused to pay those that owed me, I intern couldn’t pay those that I owed. And so the domino’s fell and fell hard.

 I lost all my savings trying to hang on and ride it out, I lost my new million dollar house, I lost my family, I lost everything that I owned. 

I thought I had protected myself and was well off enough to ride out any storm that may come my way. What I wasn’t prepared for was the powers that be deciding for you, and not having a choice in the matter.  

This will be the third time I have started over in life because of the fucked up banking system, the centralized banking cartels and those that like to control and manipulate the system. 

One of the reasons that crypto currency is doing so well now is because there is now tens of thousands of business owners out there that have worst stories than mine in loosing everything. 

I’m not one of those that goes off and hides in a hole and gets all depressed about the failure that just happened. You see I didn’t fail, the system is corrupt and is geared for you to fail. The system failed me! 

Those that have went through the rough times now know they can’t rely on the banking system. With crypto currency we are able to have our own bank and be in control of that bank. 

It can’t be corrupted, it can’t be manipulated, it can’t be broke into. And best of all No Government can control it!

I think the last barrier has been knocked down recently with the new technology so that a bitcoin or any other crypto can make a transaction at the location, at the same time it takes to do a credit card transaction. 

As people learn that they can use it just like they can a credit card it will go viral. You will have apps on your phone just like Apple pay and others, only for crypto currency. 

Here is why its going to be bigger than FB, Google, Apple, Amazon, or Microsoft combined.  There is a huge part of the population on the planet that are what the industry calls “un banked”, meaning they don’t have a bank account or credit card.

That sector of the population does about a Trillion dollars a month in cash transactions. (I’m not sure of the exact amount) The banks know this because when they come in to wire money, and they don’t have a bank account. 

They use Western Union to send money home because they are working abroad and don’t have a bank account. Couple that with, when they discover crypto currency, along with they find out they can have a debit card to spend their money. No longer does the government or the centralized banking have control of that population because the banks won’t be the only player, and no longer are they confined to local transactions with cash. 

They now can have what everyone else in the world has access to. It truly becomes a global economy, and governments can’t stop it. 

That’s just the poverty part of the population, wait and see what happens when the majority of the population discovers when you can have all what I described above and those with some money can buy the currency and sit on it and make even more money as it grows in value.

 You know its going to be big when you see all the big banks here in the states scrambling to get their own block chain going so they are not left out. Believe me, they wouldn’t spend a dime on crypto currency if they thought they could control, corrupt, or manipulate it some way. So because they can’t they are left  developing their own currency. They don’t have a choice. 

Amazon and some other major outlets are already accepting crypto currency. And I have heard rumors that they are even thinking of creating their own currency.  

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  Small Businesses and businesses in general are not seeing the future. They don’t understand the technology. They don’t understand if they don’t start now to get on board the new wave, most will be standing holding with a firm grip on an empty sack.  

  Those businesses that do get on board, and do start taking cypto currency, will over time see their business in their control and not the centralized banking cartels with their merchant accounts, with the transaction fees, banking fees a thing of the past.  

  Right now, this time in history, is the beginning of that perfect financial storm for the person that can see what is about to take place. If a person can position him or herself correctly, they will be able to weather any kind of global banking melt down, that will be bigger than the last one. Make no mistake about it, it is coming.  

  Businesses can incentivize the process and speed up the acceptance from their customers, by offering discounts or specials when their customer uses crypto currency. This will take off when you see all of the major brands doing it and the smaller businesses won’t have a choice.  

  In my next post I will show how a business can grow their business into a 6 figure business a year, with the right kind of marketing. Trust me its not that hard to do if you are a established business already.   

  I hope you enjoyed this post, and If you found value in this post, it would mean the world to me if you would comment with your thoughts and also up vote right now! 

I’m still figuring this all out, but I will try to follow all that follow me.  

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