My introduction

Hello, my name is Amos, and I am what a lot of people call a prepper. I sometimes call myself that also, because the definition does fit to some extent. Some people who don't understand the need to be prepared for disruptive events or natural disasters might even call me a hoarder. But that is because they don't understand the need to have enough food on hand to be able to get through a situation where you can't get to a store for several weeks.

The Mormons have suggested that a person should have a year's worth of food and supplies on hand at all times. That might seem crazy to a lot of people, but a lot of people cannot depend on being able to grow their own food if something bad should happen. I'm pretty sure that I'm not that well prepared, but I do try to have several months worth of supplies on hand at all times. I rotate through my stock of food and other things as necessary, so sometimes I have a bit more, sometimes a bit less. Acquiring this much extra food and other things can be hard on the budget when you have a limited income, but it can be done a little at a time, as the budget allows. I'm not as prepared as I would like to be, but I'm further along than I used to be.

Most of the posts that I make will probably be about prepping related subjects, although I may post about other things from time to time. I'm not sure how often I will be able to write a post on here, that will depend on how much time I have available, and how much material that I can come up with. I plan on posting with my own material and from my point of view.

Thank you for reading this post!

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