PokerPriest - The Introduction (Professional Gambler, YouTuber and Investor with an MBA in Finance)

PokerPriest, The Introduction.

You and I are alike.  We are tired of trading our valuable life units (hours) working on someone else’s terms.  We trade our time for money, to buy things we don’t need, to impress people who don’t matter.   

I am in the pursuit of getting out of the 9-5 rat race and I’m sharing my story.  Glory or bust.  

I’m taking calculated risks.  And through unconventional means, I seek to be self-sustained or retired before 40.  How am I going to do this?  First and foremost: Poker (Poker isn’t gambling).   Secondly, investments (Stocks and Crypto). Third my YouTube Channel and STEEMIT.

I currently work in the financial field and have a Bachelor’s in Business/Entrepreneurship and MBA in Finance and Accounting.

I started a YouTube channel in December to show the world my journey, but I just found STEEMIT, so follow along here on STEEMIT to see if I make it as a PokerPro and Crypto Investor.  I’ll be sharing consistent updates through both mediums.



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