Dear Steemit, An Introductory Letter

Dear Steemit,

I have decided to introduce myself to you in the form of a letter. A love letter, to be more precise. I chose this form of introduction because I believe that what Steemit represents to us all is a shared common self-interest. We are all here together, to help raise each other up. If that isn’t the most lovely thing if you’ve heard of all day, then I’ll be a monkey’s uncle.

I am an education professional, writer and all around okay dude. I am a postgraduate of Literature. I adore poetry, psychology, and philosophy. I don’t harbour ambitions of becoming a ‘whale’ or the most profitable poster. I hope only that the content I produce for you all is worthy of your time. Time, afterall, is the only real currency that any of us truly owns. Additionally, I will rely on you to hone and temper my skills as a writer into the fine sword that I know it can become.

I promise to bring you original poetry, film analysis, and essays that attempt to shine more light onto the human condition. I have already published a few of my poems and an essay. I promise to recognise your brilliance and to help you sharpen those verbal and thinking skills beyond any of our wildest expectations. I know you have it in you!


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