Big HELLO from Austria!! A new vegan ~ food ~ lifestyle ~ travel ~ blogger here :)

Hi, everyone! My name is Karin and I just recently found out about this (somewhat) new and fast evolving platform here where everybody seems to be very welcoming & supportive. So I'm really excited about becoming part of this community :)


I live in the beautiful city of Vienna, Austria, and I’m interested in everything veganism & health related.
I’m a big foodie and just recently discovered my passion for cooking. I like to try out new things in the kitchen, but most of the time I enjoy very simple dishes. Just potatoes alone can make me very happy ^^

I’ve been fully vegan since January 2016, but vegetarian/mostly vegan for some time before that. The ethical aspect was the main reason for me to transition to a plant-based lifestyle, but lately I’ve been focussing more and more on the health benefits as well. I’m hoping to cure my thyroid and hormonal issues by following a whole foods plant-based diet. However, I still enjoy the occasional chocolate & fast food - it's just too darn delicious :D Veganism is about more than only food, though. I try to avoid animal products as best as I can and live a more sustainabe life in general.

Mental health issues have also been a big part of my life. I’ve been struggling with depression & anxiety for as long as I can remember. Only slowly am I finding my way towards a healthier state of mind and more balance in my life. I’m convinced that focussing on self-love, defining & setting priorities and not letting others define what matters most to you is the way to go.

I’m also a huge book nerd and love being surrounded by books. I just wish I had more time to read (something I need to make a priority again). There’s nothing like getting lost in a story or another world ~ ~ ~

I’m in love with traveling and seeing what the world has to offer, so whenever I get the chance I visit new (and old) places and explore new things – which hasn’t been a lot lately, but I’m hoping for more adventures in the future.

I can't wait to share the things I'm passionate about with you and connect with like-minded souls 🙂

You can also find me on Instagram -> ^^


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