Hi, I am Adnan from Karachi, Pakistan and I am a Software Developer

Hi everyone!


I am a software developer, consultant, a newbie trader in stocks and crypto and a wannabe entrepreneur from Karachi, a coastal city of Pakistan. I am a freelance consultant and a programmer and have worked for clients from almost all continents. The first time I heard about Steem a few years ago when someone asked me to create a Steem bot for posting comments. I could not understand this at that time just like I did not get serious Crypto (Damn me!)

Anyways, I am trying to give it a short. I love writing. I already maintain a personal blog

These days I am focusing on two things when it comes to my career:

  • Writing web scrapers and automation tools in Python. I have already automated sites like Amazon, Craigslist, Zillow etc.
  • Web Development in PHP Laravel.

I am married and I have two sons: The elder one is 7y old while the younger one is 2.5y old.

You can learn more about me here
Need a scraper or automation tool? Do let me know :-)

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