7 Little Known Things about Me: Letting it All Hang Out

I’m a pretty private person. There’s a lot about me that even close friends don’t know. Why should they, you may be wondering. After all, I’m just a regular person and not someone of particular interest to the general public.

You’re absolutely right.

Still, as a member of the Steemit community, I believe that introducing myself is a good idea.

I’d like to approach the introduction in a slightly different way. Instead of posting a detailed (and probably boring) biography about my 33 years of existence on the planet, I’d like to share seven little known facts about me.

Keeping it short and sweet will make things a bit easier. So here we go with some of the little known things about me.

1. I’m a pretty good painter. Not bragging, just a fact. I wanted to go to art college but my parents eventually discouraged me. Right now, busy with my work and everyday life, I don’t really find the time for it. The last time I put a pen to paper I went completely blank. There was whatsoever no inspiration there and I had to give up.

2. I suffered from a pretty intense social phobia in my teen years. It was so bad that I eventually found myself incapable of going to the store on my own. To counter the phobia, I decided to face it head on. How did I do that, you may ask? I decided to study journalism in college. The first time I had to interview someone, I almost had a heart attack. Things did get better but for years, I had heart palpitations and insomnia whenever I had to carry out an interview.

3. The phobia also occurred whenever I had to talk to strangers on the phone. I still dislike that intensely.

4. I’m passionate about animals. This passion started at an early age because my parents have always been insane nature enthusiasts. I grew up with two dogs, parrots, a fish aquarium, guinea pigs and tortoises. Today, I have a cat and I’m committed to helping stray cats and dogs find a better life.

5. While many perceive me as extroverted, I’m quite timid and shy. My perfect evening involves staying home or meeting a few close friends instead of spending time in large gatherings of people.

6. I’ve never broken bones or experienced major trauma in my life. As a kid, I wasn’t a trouble maker and this continued in my teen years. I didn’t get in fights, fall down trees or do anything wild. 

7. For many years, I was overweight and I struggled with serious body image issues. Things did change eventually in my early 20s. I lost a lot of weight when I turned 20 and I became passionate about working out when I was 21. My body changed, it became more toned and so did my self-perception. It took a lot of hard work to start accepting myself. The ugly duckling syndrome played a major role in my life during my formative years.

So here it is – baring my soul for the world to see. I hope that you’ve enjoyed this post. If it happens to be a successful one, I’ll probably experiment with the format some more and share a few other quirks with you. Please let me know in the comments whether you’re finding such personal trivia interesting and enjoyable :)

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