Who am I?


I am caged, I want to fly
With regrets, I don't want to die
This is my life, I want to try
To do what I truly can, before I say - the final Bye!

Hello everyone ... I am Tony! Before writing this introduction post, I have been thinking a lot about my life lately. Just to give you a glimpse of it, I work for a bank in the tech domain. By the social norms, I am well set ... I have a well-paying job, a settled family and I have kinda ticked all the boxes that a man of my age should do!

However, that is for the world! Does that make me happy??

The answer would be No! I am not happy doing what I do .. I want to do something more, something much more satisfying than a monotonous job or a set salary! I am not a writer, but I definitely try to express myself. I am more of a creative person ... I love creating things ... things that I can say mine ... that give me the satisfaction of a creator!

Why am I here? The answer would be to learn, to talk, to help and be helped!

I have a rich experience in banking business, in finance management, technology and in general life! I hope that I can add value to this forum, as well as learn from fellow steemers!

My recent interest (I guess it's everyone's interest these days) is cryptos and blockchain. I have dabbled a bit in Ripple and gained some money. However, what interests me particularly is the concept of Blockchain! I feel that the technology is here to stay, and will probably change the way we handle money!

It would be great to hear thoughts from all of you on this topic ... and also it would be great if you can help me with some good material on blockchain (something that you would have read and it helped).

I would love to be involved in making something big ... even if I can help in the smallest way (hoping I can make a bigger contribution)! If you have any ideas, or if you need a helping hand ... pls reach out to me, and I will definitely try to do whatever I can!

Thank you for reading thru my thoughts! Hope you all have a great year and a fulfilling life!

I'll wait to hear your thoughts and comments!


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