👨‍💻 Greetings Steemians! 🚀 PGCrypto At Your Service!

Hey fellow Steemians and lovely people of the crypto-sphere! I’m Seth Goldfarb and I’m a writer, content manager, and cryptocurrency analyst based in Seattle, Washington. I hold a bachelor’s in Cultural Anthropology from Appalachian State University but my career has been largely food-focused until recently.


I got my first job on a farm at seventeen and moved up to a position as a research assistant for a company conducting trials in plant pathology called Biological Applied Research. After college I worked various jobs in food service slinging schwarma, pizza, and chicken wings before one last gig as a prep cook and social media consultant when I found myself burnt out on lazy bosses and poor wages and generally frustrated with what I saw as a lack of options.

In the middle of venting my woes to my Grandmother one day she offered some fateful words of reassurance:

“I know things are hard but you’ve always been good with the computers and you know how to work hard so I know you’ll figure something out.”

Her words meant the world to me at the time but their full weight didn’t hit me until a few weeks later. A lightbulb went off in my head and a voice said, “I am good with computers.” I’ve always been good at sifting through information and figuring things out for myself. Even if circumstances prevent me from doing something, when I have a computer I can always at least figure out how it could be done.

I turned my frustrations toward studying economics and finance; I never understood why the poor suffer so much and why the rich got to be rich so a lot of my writing focused on personal finance and reducing systemic inequity within the global economy. I’ll admit it: my first time hearing about Bitcoin was from a weed dealer in college but once I started looking into the technology later on I quickly realized the wealth of opportunity that exists in financial technology.

After a lot of studying and trial-and-error I said goodbye to my job as a prep cook to focus on content creation/management and cryptocurrency analysis. When left to my own devices I’ve realized I have a passion for sorting through information to put the right data in front of the right people. I also enjoy reading, playing music, hiking, and cannabis but my blog will be dedicated to providing useful data on the wonderful world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

If I can be of service with content, information, or social media-related work please don’t hesitate to reach out! I’m always open to advice and ideas for new and interesting content. Thanks for reading!

Feel free to connect with me on Medium, Facebook, Twitter, or my website, (Perpetual Growth Crypto](https://www.perpetualgrowthcrypto.com)


Thanks For Reading Perpetual Growth Crypto!😃

Sharing useful information is how we build value together and I'm extremely grateful to be a part of the crypto community!

New to crypto? Here are some helpful links!

Buying crypto?
Use Coinbase to buy and sell BTC, ETH, and LTC using my referral link and we both get $10 when you buy your first $100 in coin!

Coinbase alternative
Try Changely


Price Information

This article is not intended for and should not be construed as financial advice. Do your own research before investing and never risk more than you can lose!


Your donations are greatly appreciated! 😃

Bitcoin: 17KjLN1SLrWVHcuz1sih6hU2nLTECJvwpT
Ether: 0x16360998526cead5cb6804ff4fc4798593f4a98d
Litecoin: LdTP9gzG9SmnyHo9GPzhZ4dG6jfqjKSk3D
Dash: XnEe4Jx8xAXBm76fuKBXKxUsMLavPzBkNm
Golem: 0x16360998526cead5cb6804ff4fc4798593f4a98d

Donations go toward maintenance and promotion of Steemit and www.perpetualgrowthcrypto.com. Thanks!

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