Hi Steemit! I'm Pete (introvert, photographer, self improvement reader, traveler, health entusiast, cryptocurrency investor)


Hey there,

I want to introduce myself with this post in this community and share my interests with you.

Who am I?

My name is Pete, I have studied electronic engineering and have many different interests from photography, travelling, fitness, learning about self improvement, finances and recently cryptocurrency. 

Am categorize myself as a 85% intovert (depends on the day :)) and since I can remember I have always had this hunger of learning new things, either by reading books or online tutorials, videos, travelling and discovering. I mostly read books that I can learn something from and rarely read books just for reading. 

The ultimate goal is to become the best version of myself, for me and for my family and will create some posts on Steemit recording my journey and sharing my learnings.

Why did I join steemit?

Since i have started looking in cryptocurrency (learning, trading, investing), I found by some blogpost a mention about Steemit and was immediately intrigued. The system of getting rewarded for voting and curating and getting rewarded for your thoughts is a great idea. Compare that to other Social Platforms where you just create content, interact with people and get targeted by ads, therefore benefiting the Social Platform itself and the businesses while you don't get anything. 

I believe that Steemit or another site with this same system will become very adopted by the masses and we are lucky to be one for the early adopters of this. 


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