Introducing MySelf - II - On this ThursdayGreen #ColorChallenge

Hi Steemians !

It makes now some monthes I'm there, and the things begin to be interesting : discovering every day really great things, sharing with people, seeing that opinions about the world begin to change for better aspirations... That's great ! So I take the time to introduce myself to the personns I met since my arrival (maybe I should have more chance to be read now ?)

Firstly, this picture was taken by a friend while crossing South America, from Argentina to Colombia. This place (I choose too for the daily #ColorChallenge intiated by @kalemandra) is situad in the north of Colombia, on the Caraibean sea. A really beautifull place, poor, unfortunatly for the habitants (You can read my last post on why South America is so poor Here) but truthly pleasant. We spent there some time into a community living far away from the city style-life, hidden on a piece of coast where only fishers boats can go or by feet, like we did, after kilometers walking on a sticky mud path through the island.

So time to introduce... For the one who didn't see the first one, I'm Robin, from France, and 27 years old. I'm on steemit discovered by a friend @stabe , met in Ecuador. Here to share and honestly, trying to make a little piece of money to concretize my aspirations : leave on a peace of land, to try living sustainably. It can be strange to try make money to live without.. But in our system it's really hard to start without (land cost, tipee, some seeds to begin a garden...).

Some month after, it appears that it won't be there I will found the money missing to leave ;) But I learnt to appreciate the community and a big part of your shares (creativity, informations, ideas...). I like to sharing here about things which count for me : travel, art piece I meet on my way, and above all on ideas. Ideas, and opinions, above the world and how it is running. It's now an import thing to try making grow the collective awarness to start going in a right way, more ecological, more equitable, and try to sensibilize people about the politic lies stealing our freedom.

Finally, being there help me a lot with languages (English and Spanish). I'm a native French speaker, but enjoy a lot discussing in others languages. So Steemit is a good way for that. I thank you all for passing by my post, and hope to discuss with soon ! See you

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