Hey Steemit! Do you want to know about me?

Hey there!

My name is Denise, I'm 23 and I'm a latin girl. 

I speak Spanish, English and French (kinda) because I'm studying Modern Languages. I love everything related to languages, communication, photos, movies and books. I think that one of the best ways to learn a new language is by reading novels, magazines or blogs that interested you. 

Also, I studied Nutrition for 3 years and I am still learning everything about how to have a healthy lifestyle. I also like to workout (mostly kickboxing) at least 2 or 3 times per week, that helps me to relax a loooot.

Besides that, I enjoy very much to crochet and make beautiful amigurumis (small creatures knitted). My mom taught me how to crochet some years ago and, since then, we created our Instagram profile @mercy_tejidos (https://www.instagram.com/mercy_tejidos/) to show and sell our creations. I would like to create a special section in this blog to explain you more about it!

I'm very excited for starting this new journey in Steemit! I hope to meet new people, to practice my writing skills in English and Spanish, share my thoughts with you, and maybe earn some money.

Very soon you'll know more about me!

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