My life as if it were a book. My presentation

all these pictures of this post are personals.

"Only with the heart can you see well, what is essential is invisible to the eyes" Throughout life I have realized this profound truth.

I was born in Cumaná, Venezuela on June 5, 1996 at the Antonio Patricio University Hospital in Alcalá. Venezuelan from the head to toes. They decided to call me Pedro Ramón Machado for my Father, my grandfather and a long list of ancestors with the privilege of bearing the same name, which made me think at some point that our family was representing the book 100 years of solitude and that therefore, he would suffer the same fate as the "Buendía".


However, when I think about my life, I remember my childhood as a fully happy stage, since I was a child I began to show some qualities and many of my current tastes. In my preschool, when I was 5 years old, I collected insects and enjoyed walking parks and natural places, I used to sing Rancheras music in family gatherings, I wasted my talent giving good soccer lessons to my classmates, and last but not least, I had my first girlfriend and my first kiss (innocent of course, but kiss is kiss ).

From 6 to 11 years old I went through elementary school and many things were changing, I started to acquire more academic responsibility, the doctor recommended swimming for a deviation in the column, participate in multiple reading contests (being among the first places), mathematics Olympics and I decided to venture into music learning piano. To my chairs of good football I will add a post-degree in metra, trompo and papagayo (traditional Venezuelan games).


When I started high school, I left the piano, swimming and all my other extra-curricular activities. Also, stop being popular with girls, which, coupled with the hormonal disaster suffered in adolescence, made the topic of love for me, something quite depressing, however, during that stage of sadness and lovesickness, I discovered my interest in poetry and literature, awakening in my new talents that even today, I constantly maintain and nurture.


From my beginning in high school until my graduation, 5 years passed, I managed to graduate with a more or less high average and I realized that I had to choose what to do with my life from now on.
The university was always an option for me, but what study? I had only 2 options, or I studied something that would guarantee me a lot of money or study something that I liked; Then there were other questions, what do I like? They were very interesting moments in my life. I am sure that you must have felt the same thing that I once felt.

From psychology to business administration, going through history, medicine and biology, they were endless careers and opportunities that made their way into my life, however, I did not have the whole life to choose, I had to do it as much as possible. Fast possible. It would be cumbersome to tell how I decided what career to study, so, to make the story shorter, it is enough to say that I chose to study biology at the Universidad de Oriente, the highest house in all of eastern Venezuela.

The university was for me a new adventure, I felt a lot of vertigo my first day of classes, a feeling that accompanied me during my first weeks. Today when I remember those days I cannot stop thinking about all those feelings that I experienced during those first 6 months, I felt that I had advanced and became more man every day, but in the mirror I could not stop seeing myself as a child; the topics in classes also changed, sex, drugs and nightlife ceased to be a taboo or a sporadic topic and became my day to day, I had entered a totally different world and yet I did not stop liking that world , in which I could feel adult even without being.


By the end of the semester I was just coming of age, I had already adapted to this university system and yet, at that moment I made a decision that would change my life completely. I had always belonged to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, my belief and my faith were important to me, so freeze my studies and I went on a full-time mission, I went to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ during 2 years.


Those 2 years went by incredibly fast and as I said, they changed my life and my way of seeing the world completely, I realized the potential that all people have, I realized that I could know their bad behavior or their bad habits, nevertheless, its potential, its capacity to be better, the essential thing, was something that was hidden from my sight, when I realized that, my life changed, my way of seeing others changed completely.


A picture with my mother the day I return from the mission.

Finished my time in the mission I returned home, where I would be presented with one of the most shocking challenges of my life, my mother, part of the center of my life suffered of cancer. They were extremely difficult days; their suffering, the operation, their improvement and their subsequent decline have marked my life. After several months of fighting she died, I miss her deeply.

Despite deciding to freeze my career for religious responsibilities, the university never ceased to be one of my goals, so in October 2016, just a few days after returning from my mission, I returned to my university studies. Today I continue studying and belong to the Antonio José de Sucre University Choral.
Every day I struggle to make my life better, to give my best; Maybe that is why I decided to use this platform, so that my writings inspire other people and that they do not lose faith and continue day by day, giving the best of themselves.

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