Opening up a new page in life after a dark and difficult journey

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Today I was finally able to sell my portion of the office building pictured above. This really marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I really haven’t properly introduced myself, so I guess this could be as good of an opportunity to do so as any. This is a true story.

So, how did I end up owning/working at this office building? Some 4,5 years ago my father made a suggestion to me about buying the office building, because he wanted to retire. “It’s not much work, all you’ll need to do is sit back and collect the rent, you can continue your studies and hobbies at the same time”, he said.

At that time I was starting my studies of economics at the university in Jyväskylä, and training kickboxing at least 5 times a week. Here’s one of my victorious fights from that period, it’s against an Estonian guy in Baltic Open 2013:

So, regarding the office building, in the beginning it seemed like everything was going great. The only negative side seemed to be the paperwork and the seemingly unnecessary and frustrating finnish bureaucracy I had to deal with occasionally.

As to my economics studies in the university - I was very quickly disillusioned. The mathematical models and in general the way the subject was taught was very “ideological”, I would say. It seemed like simple things were obfuscated on purpose to hide the simple truth of economic exploitation by the money creators, that is the banking system and it’s owners. It was during that time I invested a little bit in Bitcoin as a protest against the banking system. The unfortunate thing was I had my few Bitcoins at Mt. Gox, and after what happened.. never saw them again.

The office building my dad had aquired and transmitted to me is located near the border of Finland and Russia in a small town Tohmajärvi, where my dad’s family is from. A big part of the building is used as a motel, mostly for Russians travelling to Finland. A Russian guy and his mom were running the motel in partnership with me and my dad. So, when the EU sanctions against Russia started due to the Ukraine crisis, the Russian tourists stopped coming and I was getting into financial difficulties. To add insult to injury, the taxation authorities did some really despotic decisions like increasing the real-estate tax 150% even though the real value of the building was lower than ever!

Please, don’t worry, I’ll spare you the whole sob-story. Disappointments, difficulties and hardships - we’ve all had them. And we’re all still alive. I’m just trying to give a condensed story about what happened.

So, I was getting super stressed out. Everything seemed to go against me and all the work was cumulating. It seemed like I had only responsibilities, and no freedom. I wasn’t enjoying the university, and even the kickboxing was starting to feel like forced performing. And at the same time I was constantly worrying about the office building - which was located almost 400km away from where I lived -and my financial situation. Something had to change. So I made the, perhaps slightly desperate decision to quit everything, the University, the kickboxing, and move to the office building to become a full-time entrepreneur.

Everybody said I was crazy. My friends, my parents. They couldn’t understand why I would do such a thing. Perhaps I didn’t understand it myself, it was an intuition. I was living at a student one-room apartment, what we often call a “suicide studio”, as an example of typical dark finnish humour. So I was thinking: “What the heck am I doing here? Why am I paying rent for this crappy apartment in the city, when I could be living in my own office building and near nature.

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“I could have a whole new life, I could succeed as an entrepreneur and have the whole building full of people, I could organise events, I could make epic marketing campaigns, I could build a giant business empire I could do anything!” I thought. And I guess now everything is more possible than ever, just not with the building.

Well, to make a long-story short, I was faced with many setbacks, the roof started to leak in several places, my dad who had helped me with the technical aspects of the building management was getting very grumpy and wanted to retire, it was very cold, and dark, and I was in a new place and was being treated very coldly by the people here. And then, as a
final straw that broke the camel's back - pizzagate happened.

In case you weren’t following the development of that story during the final stages of the American presidential campaign, the Wikileaks-released emails of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta really opened up a can of worms. A true pandora’s box of horrors was opened and discovered by a massive open-source investigation, dots were connected and the big picture revealed was truly horrifying. Human trafficking, pedophilia, satanic occultism - and I’m saying this as someone who has researched this stuff now for literally hundreds of hours - are an absolute epidemic in the highest echelons of society. The catholic church, the British royal family, the political elite in Washington DC, it’s in France, in Belgium - satanic rituals and pedophilia are everywhere where there is power. This is what Stanley Kubrick was also telling us in his final movie “Eyes Wide Shut”. He suspiciously died shortly after finishing the film.

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Ok you may have your differing opinion about this, the mainstream media has smeared pizzagate as “fake news” and “debunked”, but actually it’s true, and hasn’t been debunked at all. In fact what seems to most confirm that real criminality has been revealed, is the cover-up and the distortion of the mainstream media. But let’s return to my story.

My financial situation was only getting worse. I was literally having nightmares about Hillary Clinton’s associates raping children and torturing me “for eternity” in the dream, waking up with cold sweat. Everything was so dark I began to have suicidal thoughts. I couldn’t focus on the business, I couldn’t focus on anything, I couldn’t deal with daily tasks I was so depressed. I was getting out of shape, my physical, mental and social health were all deteriorating. Just some two years ago I ran half-marathon (21km) in less than 1,5 hours - now I was getting exhausted walking up the stairs (ok not quite, but almost).

I was just waiting for arrests to come, I really believed the thing had been exposed to so many people that there would be no way to put the genie back in the bottle so to speak. It was all around the alternative media, on all the forums. How could it not lead to the collapse of the pedo-elite? Well, that story is not yet over, but there’s only so much a single person can do about it.

When the long finnish winter was beginning to pass and the light and warmth of the sun was returning, so life began to return to my body and mind. I was still alive.

About two weeks ago I started posting here on Steemit. I teamed up with lazariko12 and we started the awesome Steemvoter exchange with a lot of inspiring people. Even the motel was starting to do better in the summer and my financial difficulties were easing. And, now, finally, after years of trying to find a buyer for the building, one of the tenants who has a construction company, agreed to buy my share of the building - dirt cheap, but with all the problems and renovations coming in the building it was reasonable. So now I can finally sigh a sigh of relief. SIGH

So, what now? Right now everything is open - in a good way. One thing is for sure: I need to go traveling. I’ll be posting updates of my travels here on steemit.

Second thing: Investing in cryptocurrencies and related matters to fight corrupt central bank dominance.

Third: Building a network here on Steemit, check-out our project here:

Third thing: producing more content, this time with some serious quality. I’ve got so much to say, and I’m only getting started. I would love to get to know you, and in general as many people as possible here on Steemit and really contribute something to the community.

So, if you’re going through some tough times like I was during the last winter, don’t give up, keep fighting and eventually things will get better. No matter how bad it gets, avoid becoming bitter and hateful, and blaming others - those feelings and the associated thoughts lead to a downward spiral towards a hellish existence.

After the winter - summer comes. After the night - a new dawn arises. Keep up the good work.


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