Introducing myself: I learned about life with a ball in my feet ⚽️

Hello steemians! 👋🏻 I’m Paulo C. Remedio, 18 years of age. Currently living in Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines. I’m new to this platform but this would be my second post and i would like to tell you more about myself and the game that I love.


Soccer or futball is a game played between eleven players. But its not just a game for me, it is the game that mold myself to become better. When i was in grade school I don’t take my studies seriously. But when i joined our soccer varsity team I met Coach Greg.


Coach Greg but he is preferred to be called Kuya Greg


Our coaching staff

He taught me how to become a better person by playing soccer. Soccer has helped me develop my self-esteem. It has helped me become inspired and motivated in my studies because we were not allowed to play the sport if we ever had any failing grade. Back when I was not playing soccer, I always go to internet cafe and play computer games during class hours. But with soccer i was inspired to do well in my studies.

My first official game


This was my first soccer team when I was on 6th grade. I was one wearing jersey number 21.

We joined the Palaro 2012 which had a single elimation rule. We lost our first game but I learn a lot that time. Coach Greg didn’t scold us, instead he congratulated and told us that he is glad to see us smiling throughout the game. I’ve learn that time that teamwork was a very important aspect in order to win.

Some of the games we played


Mayor Gamboa’s Cup 2011. Unfortunately, we didn’t got an award. I was the one wearing jersey number 16.


Alaska Cup 2014. We got 2nd runner-up out of 8 teams. I was the one wearing jersey number 5.


Palaro 2017. I was the one wearing jersey number 4.

During this event I was given the task by our coach to form a team with young players. Coach Greg put his trust on me and believe that I could make a team that would succeed. So far, this was the most memorable one because it tested my leadership skills. To lead the team was tough at first, but the hardwork we did together leads to the victory of the young team.


Me with ma boys holding the trophy 🏆

That thing on top of my head was the result of the sacrifice and hardwork of our team. Being the champion of the Palaro 2017 was one of the unforgetable moments of my life. It was my first time to win a major league in our place. After so many years of training and hardwork we reached the top. But I won’t forget what Coach Greg said “be humble young ones, it is just the start of your journey. There will me more major leagues that we will join in the future”. 🙌🏻

Sports is not just a game for fun, it helps us socialize with other people, develop our leadership skills, and become a better version of ourselves. Soccer changed the happy-go-lucky side of myself into a “work hard, nothing worth having comes easy” type of person. The sport that I love mold me into becoming a better version of myself. I learned about life with a ball in my feet. ⚽️


Its been almost half a year that I didn’t play soccer because I transfered from Mindanao to Cebu. But during our summer break i would try to train back to the team and play the summer league in Mindanao. I hope you guys know me more and the sport that I love. Thank you so much for the time reading this, have a nice day ahead everyone! 😊

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