Introduce my self

Hello everyone!

My name is Papadog, I live in Greece, in a small city called Ioannina. I am 27 years old and what I love is skateboarding and motorcycles.

@knowhow92 has told me about Steemit and Steem blockchain many times. At the beginning I was like " Hey buddy these stuffs are not for me ", every time we talked about steemblockchain I was thinking more and more positive about being a part of it, until, one day I just told him "Hey man l, I want to create a steemit account , can you help me?" and here I am to share with you guys some skateboarding, motorcycle mechanical and customizing staff, and whatever comes in my way.

In conclusion, because I do not like being boring, I want to thank @knowhow92 that let me know about Steem blockchain and for his help so I could be a part of it. Everybody let's share some good staff to each other.

Until next time, have every moment be great!

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