Steemit! Here's a person who is constantly trying to discover himself!

One question that is lingering in my mind right now is: being a crypto enthusiast, how did I miss Steemit all along? I was surfing through Poloniex (exchange) and stumbled upon Steem, and that made me curious. I started checking what Steem was all about. And, I am here! Never too late do start anything, right?

Who am I?

I am still in the process of discovering myself, my interests and goals. Funnily, all these have been changing from time to time. So if you ask who am I, I can only tell you who I am at this moment. Might seem puzzling to some of you. But trust me, we’re majority ;)

I’ve been and done a couple of things in life. During my college days, I’v been an assistant director. Moved to being a co-writer post college. Then decided to switch profession. I started working in a US based startup in their inside sales team. I WAS completely in love with sales. Every Sunday, when I go to the local market, I’d choose a random shop, ask the owner’s permission and start selling for a couple of hours. That’s how passionate I WAS about sales.

It was about an year when my interests moved to civic issues. I joined a non-governmental organisation that deals with civic issues. I am currently working with them. I am happy that I’m able to try and test where my interests really lie.

I know I have wasted time and resources in testing my likes. But, it is no good to do a job if you start missing the passion you had on the first day. The silver lining of the whole story is that I am able to try and test things at 23. Not too old :)

In short, I have been discovering myself. Nothing but that.


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