My first...

Hey Steemians!

I'm Sandra from Croatia. I am dreamer, wonderer, stargazer, coffee addict and book-bosomed.


Do you ever get a feeling that we spend our entire lives just calculating how much we have, how much we want and, consequently, how much we don’t have. We are stuck in this process of comparing ourselves to others, to these perfect lives that others live on Facebook or Instagram, trapped in the circle of self-blame – I’m not rich enough, smart enough, skinny enough, educated enough, loved enough, ...

However, the answer to the problem of never having enough – is very simple. It’s gratitude! Be grateful for all you have and everything you are. Search your mind for all the things you have ever experienced and seen, for all the places you have visited and all the food you have tasted.

Sometimes it’s the simplest of things that make us truly happy. It may be a drop of rain on a window sill, the taste of morning coffee, a spectacular sunset, cloud in the sky, friend’s smile or kindness of a stranger. Sometimes the simplest of things are enough!

Take plenty of time to appreciate moments which help you adore life.

What I will share with you is just a part of deep gratitude for everything I’ve seen, experienced, tasted, read and did in my life. I will also share with you a part of deep gratitude that I feel for the piece of Earth where I was born and which is called Croatia (for all of you who have still not visited Croatia – I strongly recommend that you do). I am not a professional photographer, not even an advanced amateur, but I really like to take pictures.










I am also grateful for the sense of belonging to a steemit community and the chance to be a part of it!

Thanks for following me!

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