Attempting an introduction.

Before i attempt to introduce myself, let me tell you how i came to be on Steemit first.

So i have this brother who is into everything in the cryptoworld. Be it cryptocurrencies or decentralization in general. He told me all about the different currencyies and blockchain technology. I got hooked pretty quickly, being dissatisfied with our dependency on banks and goverment controlled institutions for quite a while. I admit i mostly saw it as an invenstment in the beginning, but that changed the more i looked into it myself. It has been fun to dwelve into a whole new world with likeminded people and see it develop over time. I look forward to see it grow even further.

Cryptocurrency aside, my brother also told me about steemit, a platform on wich i can indulge myself on one of my passions, writing. Having been a lurker most of my life on a variety of platforms and websites includning steemit, i decided to take a more active part in this community and hopefully help it grow.

Although crypto and the whole idea of decentralization and the implementaion of it in different systems is in it's infancy, i believe it has more than proved it's point. It has showed that it is more than a fluke, more than a novelty and that people are ready for a new way of doing things, especially when it comes to cryptocurrencies. Granted, there are people out there trying to use the hype it has amassed to sell off ideas that are, in my not so humble opinion, unnecessary. But the fact that they are doing just that is, i believe, essential. They create competition that forces refinement and improvement. More on this later.

I wouldn't go as far as to call myself a writer, whatever that would imply, but i know writing keeps me sane. We are all bombarded with ideas and thoughts, constantly trying to make it to the forefront of our reasoned thought. Some thoughts emerge unwillingly, unasked and unwanted. Luckily our cognitive brain can filter and oppress those thoughts without leaving much of an impression. It is easier for some and harder for others, but some ideas get a hold on you that you cannot shake off.
They consume you and you become powerless before them, allowing them to dictate and shape your reason. The line between passion and obsession is not narrow, it's invisible.
I have recently tried to utilize mindfulness in every aspect of my life, trying to be aware of every decision i make and why i make them. I try to be consistently conscious of the things i do and say. My conclusion? It is exceedingly difficult.

I want to dwelve deeper into ideas and thoughts about all kinds of things includning world politics, books, art, movies and much more. I basically wanna write about things that interest me.

Oh i almost forgot the introduction, my name is Ozoo, 27, from Sweden.


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