Holding space and creating our vision

Welcome to our life.
We are lovers manifesting the dream.Yin/Yang indeed. Jason has a long background in commercial building, if we can dream it, he can build it. Wood, metal,angles and planes, logic and reason, thats his operating system. As for me (Sunni) dreams, crazy ass ideas, yoga,massage,loops and swirls thats my world. Somehow it blends beautifully.
We live on 20 acres in the middle of the Ozarks. When we began searching for property, we told each other " We aren't going to buy the first peice of property we look at" ...... yeah, we did.

and we've been working and loving it ever since. We build green as much as we can, we recycle, reclaim, and re -engineer to make things work the way we need them to. Homesteading is hardwork, the highs and lows can be extreme, so we've learned to hold space for one another and help each other to hold our vision.
Our vision is a mortgage free, cordwood home built by us, a place away from the matrix to hold our hearts and sooth our souls.
We make progress, a little at a time. Some days we make huge strides and get a lot done, other days we hold space and kindle the vision.
Follow us on the journey, get to know us and watch the dream unfold.

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