Welcome To My Blog


Hello, you may call me, Out There. I have had this Steemit account for a while but I haven’t done much with it other than follow some blogs and just read good content. Lately I have been thinking that I should start blogging on here, but what to blog about?

First a bit about me. I’m a US citizen living in the Southeast, near the coast. Yes, getting ready to get smashed by Hurricane Florence. I attended a top university for undergraduate studies. I began exploring getting an MBA but stopped short of enrolling and taking on a student loan as I could see the scam of further higher education. An MBA to me really seemed like a mostly pointless piece of paper that says you have to pay me more because of it. I was lucky that I didn’t pursue an MBA at the time as it was 2007 and the 2008 crash was on our doorstep. Since then I have met many an MBA who earn less per year than I do today.

Since leaving the insufferable corporate world I have lived and worked in beautiful Miami Beach for many years. I then left to be on our small farm with my small family. In addition to the farm work, I do online marketing and website development for clients and other freelance work on the side. I cherish my privacy, my anonymity, and my autonomy. Those values are what drove me to crypto. At first just buying Bitcoin, putting it on a paper wallet, and forgetting about it. Over time I started mining Monero and becoming very attracted to that project because of the privacy it offers. As the cryptocurrency and blockchain space has flourished I have become ever more interested in it and the possibilities it holds.

That is all I really want to reveal about myself at this time, as I said, I cherish my privacy, my anonymity, and my autonomy. As you can see, I have chosen to show an obscured photo of myself with today’s date and my Steemit username. I do not want my real world identity known because I do not trust or like the United States government.

For now, I think I will blog about the crypto projects that I am most passionate about, commentary on current events (in general and in crypto), social commentary, and political economy and how it intersects with the emerging crypto space. I will also occasionally touch on resource, energy, and capital constraints and how those realities give opportunity to crypto and how they will shape or constrain the development of crypto economies.

I also enjoy lively and thoughtful commentary so if you are reading my blog posts and want to comment on anything I say, please do. I’d love to hear from you.

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