**Hello my steemit friends,hello my new friends**-One handball player want to introduce

29020249_1554749541310483_302220805_n.jpgHello my steemit friends,hello my new friends
My name is Mile Ordev and Im 26 years old and i came from Veles. Veles is a beautiful small town in Macedonia.For me logining on the steemit means to share the things that makes me happy and with that maybe I will help to someone else that will found in my blog. Im happily married and my wife is the most beautiful woman on the world. In future will be many post about her but today if I really want to tell something about myself that will be to tell you about my first love, my first passion,thing that make me person that Im today.My first love is handball.
For those of you who do not know what handball is, it is a sport similar to racquetball. The difference is that you play with your heart and with your hands. The walls are very similar and some of the same rules apply.
As a age of 9, I can remember the days of running to the park to go play handball. It was one my favorite things to do. Hundreds of kids would meet at the park to play and we would be there from morning until dark. Yeah, sometimes you had a bit of a wait to get a turn (not usually in my case, I was a very good player), I just had to toot my own horn, but those times were filled with competition and laughter.Day after day I work very hard and have many trainings.One day my wishes come true I start to play proffesional handball and get to the macedonian team Vardar and in other macedonian teams.In next post I will be writing more details about my life like proffesional handball player.Now I want to share and explain what is handball and how its play and make you understand why my love is so big.
Get familiar with the court. In team handball, the court is 20 meters (65' 7") by 40 meters (131' 3") large. Here are some things you should know about the court:
The court has a goal area line (also known as the crease), which is a 6-meter (19' 8") line where only the goalie is allowed to stand. The actual goal is 2 meters (6.6 ft) high and 3 meters (9.8 ft) wide. Players can only jump into the goal area if they release the ball before landing there.
A dashed semi-circle that is 9 meters (29.5 ft) from the goal marks the free-throw line.
The line at half court is also known as the center line.
Get familiar with the ball, too. Traditionally, handball is played with a 32-panel leather ball. For women, the ball is 54–56 centimeter (21.3–22.0 in) wide and for men, it is 58–60 centimeter (22.8–23.6 in) wide and a bit heavier than the women's' ball.
Form a team. There can be seven players on each team out on the court at any given time. One player on each team is the goalie and the remaining six are the court players. Each team can have a total of 12 players (in America) or 14 players (in England) dress and play during a game. The additional players can substitute for the players on the court once the player they are substituting leaves the court, just as in basketball, volleyball, or other sports with substitutes. The non-goalie players' roles are interchangeable during the game.
Players wear uniforms that are numbered 1-20. Each team's players should wear shirts and shorts of the same color, while each goalie wears a different color to stand out from the other teammates.
In official games, there are always two referees, one for the court and one for the goal. Their decisions are final.Understand the objective of the game. Each team scores points by throwing the ball into the opposing team's goal. The team that scores the most points wins the game. A game can end in a tie unless you're playing a tournament, which needs a winner to be named. If the game is tied after time runs out, then the teams play 2-5 minute periods of overtime.
A team can score a goal after the entire ball crosses the goal line and falls inside the goal. You can score a goal from any type of throw, which means the goal-throw, free-throw, throw-in, or throw-off (more information about these throws appears below).
Play for the correct length of time. A traditional handball game is played in 2 30-minute halves with a 10 minute break in between. Youth or tournament games are shorter, played in 2 15-minute or 20-minute halves instead.
The time marked is the running time of the game. The only times the clock stops are for each team to have one time-out per half, and if there is an injury.
At half-time, the teams switch benches.Understand what the field players can do. These players can touch the ball with all parts of their body above the knee (which means no kicking!). If they have the ball, they can only stay in place for three seconds (think of it as a traveling offense in basketball), and they can only move for three steps with the ball. If they do not follow these rules, the ball goes to the other team. The players must quickly decide whether to shoot the ball, dribble it, or pass it.
A player can dribble the ball for as long as he wants, just as long as he keeps his hand on top of the ball. After dribbling, he still gets the usual three steps/three seconds rule. If he dribbles again, that's a "double dribbling" violation and the ball goes to the other team.
Other offenses that a player can commit include carrying the ball into the crease (the goalie's area), setting an illegal screen, and charging.
Understand the different types of throws. Here's what you need to know about the different throws in the game:
The throw-off. The game starts with a throw-off. The throw-off takes place in the center of the court. Here, the thrower has to touch the middle line with one foot while all of the other players stay in their own half. The team that wins the coin toss and wants to start with the ball begins the throw off.
After the whistle blows, the player with the ball in the center of the court passes the ball to a team-mate and play starts.
Every time a goal is scored, the opposing team gets the ball for another throw-off. A throw-off also occurs after half-time.
The throw-in. If the ball leaves play, then the team that didn't touch the ball last gets a throw-in.
The free-throw. A free-throw is given after there's an interruption in play, and takes place wherever the play was interrupted. Play can be interrupted when one player is holding, pushing, hitting, tripping or hurting the other team's player and receives a penalty.
The referee throw. A referee throw is called for when the ball touches anything that is above the court after multiple rules are broken during simultaneous possession of the ball. In this situation, the referee stands at center court and throws the ball vertically, between two players of opposing teams, and they must jump and grab the ball or tap the ball to a member of their own teams. Other members of the team must be at least 3 meters (9.8 ft) away from the throw.
The 7-meter throw. This throw is given when a foul destroys a clear chance to score, the goalie carries the ball back to his own area, a court player plays the ball to his own goalie, or a defensive player enters his own goal area. For this throw, all players have to be outside the free-throw line and the player who takes the throw has three seconds to shoot the ball.
The goal-throw. This one is given when the ball rebounds off the goalie over the end line or if the ball is thrown over the end line by the team that is attacking. For this throw, the goalie throws the ball from his area and does not have to follow the three step/3 second rule.Know the rule violations. There are many ways to commit a rule violation. If one team commits a violation, then that means that the other team is awarded the ball, either as a throw-in, free-throw, or goalie-throw. Here are the different violations:[1]
Passive play. This means keeping the ball within one team's possession without trying to attack or to score. This basically means stalling with the ball.
Endangering an opponent with the ball.
Pulling, hitting, or punching the ball of of the hands of an opponent.
Making contact with the ball below the knee.
Diving on the floor for a ball that is rolling or not moving.
Outstretching your arms or legs to push, hold, obstruct, trip, or hit the opponent or to charge into a defensive player.
** Handball It’s everything for me, I like it and I enjoy it. It makes me happy**
I hope that this post was interesting for you and you read my love and you know one side of me like a person.Im new here and I want from you to help me on this beggining of our trip together in the steemit with comment and upvote.Thanks for everything <3

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