I convinced few friends to join Steemit! Help me welcome them! I'm planning to bring my 12000 facebook followers too! ;)

So after a month here, I've been talking non-stop about Steemit to my boyfriend, work colleagues and family and friends! So far (since I know few others are also considering it), I managed to convinced 3 of them to get an account!!! 

In my facebook account (https://www.facebook.com/omwith/) I have more than 12000 followers! Imagine if I can also bring them here!! :)

1. @Chicosonico (aka Pablo Schvarzman)

He's my boyfriend! <3 He's been following my progress here and also got super excited about this opportunity! 

He's an artist, a musician, and an activist fighting for the artists rights in Spain! And he's been so busy these weeks, he could just post 1 post so far! 

Amongst all his projects, one of the most important is his band SEWARD:

Seward - Native [Aclam Records Live Session]

David Bowie's Tribute concert in Barcelona

He also makes other music, and produces for other artists and cinema projects. He teaches in the most important Music schools in Barcelona, and as you can imagine, he also supports me in my artistic ideas as a theater amateur learner! ;) 

Believe me, he has so many things to contribute with in Steemit! Music community stay tuned! :)

2. @Christellemoore

Christelle is my work colleague!! We are both project managers, and we both started working in our company at the same time. She is so funny! :)

She is still learning the basics in Steemit - wondering why her post do not get more than few cents! But I advice her to be patient and keep posting interesting articles about her daily life and experiences! Like this post about the first time she used a hammock! lol

She lives in a lovely flat with her family, in a very hipster neighborhood in Barcelona, called Poblenou ;)
It's amazing the work they did on building and decorating their flat!! She explains the process here. 

Maybe one day I will also be lying down on an hammock on her lovely garden! ;)

3. @arkanos (aka Rubén)

Last but not least, Rubén!! He is also a work colleague, one of those you love to have nearby as he is always available when you need some help! He is so skillful! Rubén is a Developer, and there is nothing that can't resist his coding skills! ;)

He just joined Steemit, and no posts are available yet - I guess he is dissecting the steemit and steem world first! 

...I will encourage to have him make his first post tomorrow!

So more friends to come! I'm planning to bring many other friends that I believe can enjoy this community as much as I do!

Have a great evening!!!


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